A Returner’s Magic Should Be Special Chapter 270

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Aditya Hasputra 20:41 - 12/17/2018
I like this one.. even though the mc is considered a weak but he's not stupid, he's the type that know what to do and doing something that other people haven't thought of.. his journey to gather a bunch of talented people in his past was pretty intriguing..
Hiroto Suzuki 04:55 - 06/30/2019
chapter 55-56 are broken... fix it please emo
Maou Lord 17:30 - 08/30/2019

Here some other similiar manga i've found if anyone interested
SchwarzerDolaria 22:55 - 05/08/2020
chapter 99,100,101 is broken :( i can't read it. fix that pls
Kallen San 20:45 - 10/10/2020
Ohh that one is my favorite, but as usual every chapter is a cliffhanger -_-

Guys if you are waiting for chapters just read the novel, iim reading at wuxialib net
Vincent 15:50 - 12/06/2021
No update yet ?
ten 19:45 - 02/23/2023