Dragon Son-In-Law God Of War Chapter 128

Do not forget to leave comments when read manga
fazil 05:02 - 05/03/2021
cpter 2 is bug when i enter chapter 2 is load and come out exit the app
fazil 05:25 - 05/03/2021
chapter 21 to 28 same kind of bug like chapter 2 plz fix this bug


10:46 - 05/03/2021

@fazil Fixed

fazil 05:05 - 05/08/2021
18 and 29 are same episode repeat post vplz fix it
eror too 02:32 - 06/17/2021
more chapters please
fazil 04:04 - 06/22/2021
chapter 31 to 40 are broken so plz fix it guys
fazil 04:05 - 06/22/2021
chapter 31 to 40 are broken plz fix it friend's
matthew pillay 00:21 - 06/25/2022
how can they end it like that??
matthew pillay 00:21 - 06/25/2022
how can they end it like that??