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Gundam EXA


Gundam EXA ( EXA) is a manga written by Tomohiro Chiba and illustrated by Kichi Tokita, published by Kadokawa Shoten and serialized in Gundam Ace magazine in 2011. Being Gundam Ace’s 10th Anniversary Project, it is tied in with the arcade and PS3 Game Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme Vs. Full Boost. The story takes place in unnamed timeline, where humanity has highly advanced technology. However, the human population is decreasing and it seems that they’re on their way to extinction. The protagonists are Leos Alloy, Sthesia Awar and their Haro. They work on a Jupiter base called "Jupiter X", using "General Answer" (or "GA") which contains a massive repository of data about the previous eras of humanity, Leos travels to the Earths’ of the previous eras in an effort to collect data that might give them a hint for the evolution of mankind.

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Gundam EXA Chapter 1
Gundam EXA Chapter 2
Gundam EXA Chapter 3
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