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Immature EARTHling Friend


A Boy from an alien planet learns that he is not of that planet. He moves to Earth because of an “immigration project” and now must learn to live among the humans in the scariest place on Earth, Seoul Korea.

Next Chapter (Next Issue):
Immature EARTHling Friend Chapter 41
Immature EARTHling Friend Chapter 42
Immature EARTHling Friend Chapter 43
6 years ago
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
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