Juujika No Rokunin Chapter 190

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HUMAN 12:20 - 06/26/2021
how the hell is the five people getting away from the crimes they did, and not get caught in the process.....
aiden iron 04:53 - 07/20/2021
fucking idiots
HUMAN 21:43 - 07/30/2021
what do you mean?
Keko Vex 15:27 - 10/12/2021
Imagine if this ever got an anime adaptation, it'd be so good, but not enough people know about this treasure sadly
Dason Lageschulte 03:46 - 12/05/2021
I absolutely loved it when he bashed that fuckers head in
Keko Vex 13:56 - 12/05/2021
Chapter 62 really threw me down a flight of stairs, one minute they just talking about how bad someone was then the next my boy inside of her guts
tonyv14 11:51 - 11/13/2023
chapter 151 sht just went fast paced