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Midarana Omega wa Koi wo Shinai


"No, I might get pregnant...!" Sakushima Nanao is an omega that enrolls to a boarding school. To earn some money for buying medicines, he joins a circle that sells the members body to elite alphas within school. An alpha transfer-student, Ashiya Soushi bothers Nanao under pretense that he falls in love with him on the first sight. Because Nanao thinks that alpha goal in the end is sex, he invites Soushi to do it once , but somehow he refuses instead. Isesaki, the circle sponsor witnesses that moment and punishes Nanao. Moreover, he even orders Nanao to invites Soushi using the mating period "heat"...! Soushi that is agitated by the mating period succumbs into the lust... Even though he doesnt wish for it, his body cant stop yearning for that heat! "I thought I wont never fall in love..." A love trap that tricks alpha-hater omega .

Next Chapter (Next Issue):
Midarana Omega wa Koi wo Shinai Chapter 2
Midarana Omega wa Koi wo Shinai Chapter 3
Midarana Omega wa Koi wo Shinai Chapter 4
5 years ago
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