My Hero Academia Chapter 432

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reta tanaka 23:35 - 05/30/2020
Is there any review for this title? I really want to know more about this title
johnny taberu 23:36 - 05/30/2020

@reta tanaka Here's the review that you need sis you can check on isekainews they discuss about this title and also give you information about the upcoming chapter. Your welcome sis :)

Wings 04:30 - 03/27/2021
Download MangaWorld for the english and this chapter307 isnt the full thing so download what i just recommended
Death Note 08:46 - 03/29/2021
hey bich
Keko Vex 23:24 - 07/21/2021
Why does everyone say Deku's turning into a villain? Sure looking at him now you may say otherwise, but he still rescues people, and he still has his morals above all other, but I don't think that warrants him being labeled as a villain, and not to mention he's being a loner to protect his friends and teachers who have already suffered a lot, so he doesn't want them to be hurt anymore, it just confuses me and makes me wonder if I missed something