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Roppongi Black Cross


From Manga Box: One day, a yakuza gang member is attacked in Roppongi, Tokyo. This is only a prologue to one man’s revenge story, triggered by the events of twenty-two years ago. The flames of revenge burn in the darkness of the city... By the author of Hitoshi Tadano, Chief of Special Operations, Kimio Yanagizawa!

Next Chapter (Next Issue):
Roppongi Black Cross Chapter 71
Roppongi Black Cross Chapter 72
Roppongi Black Cross Chapter 73
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
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