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Solving Queen Ophelia’s Mysterious Death


Solving Queen Ophelia’s Mysterious Death manga, Joou Ophiria yo, Onore no Shi no Nazo wo Toke , "I want to know who killed me."Wishes Queen Ophelia when losing consciousness on the verge of death.Then, according to an "ancient promise" given only to the owner of the crown, the Fairy King Leah brought Ophelia back to life for ten days."I died once. But this time I will do everything I want to do."Ophelia’s husband, who tried to use her to seize power.Her brother, who is unreliable and tends to be swayed by those around him.A knight of the Royal Guard who falls in love with her The list of possible culprits is endless.Who killed the queen?!A royal palace mystery begins with a strong slap that will clear the Queen’s name before her death!

Next Chapter (Next Issue):
Solving Queen Ophelia’s Mysterious Death Chapter 1
Solving Queen Ophelia’s Mysterious Death Chapter 2
Solving Queen Ophelia’s Mysterious Death Chapter 3
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