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The Skirt Sings at the Landing


Haruma Kiki always dreamed of doing ballroom dance as the feminine "partner" role, but as she aged she only grew taller and taller, eventually causing her to give up ever looking good in a dress or anything ladylike. Now, as a second year in high school, she specializes in the masculine "leader" roleuntil one day, her partner suddenly leaves her. When Toribami Michiru, a short and pretty first year, shows up wanting to join the ballroom dance club, Kiki asks her to be her new partner, but Michiru reveals that she only plays the leader roleand she wants none other than Kiki as her partner.

Next Chapter (Next Issue):
The Skirt Sings at the Landing Chapter 8
The Skirt Sings at the Landing Chapter 9
The Skirt Sings at the Landing Chapter 10
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